This was a funny show. I’ve been the front man for this band for over 20 years. About 15 years ago I started incorporating theatre into our shows. I would develop a character, a narrative. There would always be something you’ve never seen before. I would call these things original acts for mankind or OAMs […]

I’m JC Penny, lead singer and lyricist for Dirty Penny. I’ve been married for 18 years and it follows that my spouse is sick of my shit by now. She’s over it. If she comes to a show she brings her knitting and only if someone she likes is going too. Sometimes she waits in […]

A wonderful thing happened when I emailed the band asking “Can we rename our album ‘Institutional Jello’?” just a few days before launch of our 2019 release “The Endless Light of K Yamaguchi“. Our drummer Justin “Faceman” Cathcart had a koniption and exploded into a genius list of alternative album names. This golden list is […]

Our 4th Album “The Endless Light of K Yamaguchi” is now availble for purchase/streaming on all the big corporate streams but who cares because it’s available on ~~~~ BANDCAMP ~~~~ And here’s the regular list of big powerful music streamers run by the giants of our time that have to pay artists next to […]
I’m so happy (and drunk)! Not sure U I’m able to write inteligibly.. This is turning ito a we-e-eird story. It starts with the laww firm Tobyy, Signey and Gannet seizing our record to months ago and it it looks like our producer Brendan Bane didn’t hire them. The day after this crappy news I […]
“So..uh..wa..its..I..haaag” are just some of the words I said on the phone last night when it became clear that our producer legendary genius asshole, Brendan Bane, sent his lawyers to Lacquer Channel and our studio to confiscate all our music for our upcoming album because he “doesn’t recall producing it”. In short he has launched a […]
In the summer of 2016 we got Brendan Bane to take a break from producing gold records for Eminem and Peaches and do our 4th record “The Moon” (dropping Oct 2018). There’s not a wasted moment on this 40 minute album. Over the two weeks it took to record “The Moon”, we grew to understand […]
Our new drummer, Justin Cathcart

“Justin Cathcart Your Business Consultant” is the new Dirty Penny drummer because once upon a time John Lennon said “yes” to a question and Playboy made it their feature article. Because Tool just spent 8 years in court and that’s why there’s been no new Tool album in 8 years. Captain Beefheart’s “Trout Mask Replica” […]
There was nothing mean about Scott “Candy” Fletcher. In the 8 years he has been Dirty Penny’s drummer, not one of us can say he has ever said a mean thing about anyone in or outside the room he was in. He was a shit-hard drummer. Our fans called him “The Machine”. He was the […]
That was a helluva show. Dirty Penny has been playing for 13 years. We’re really good at our sound now. Hi, I’m JC Penny, the singer. So for every show I like to do a character, a little bit of theatre for the eyes. Other bands have criticized us for this. They say “If you […]

Hi, it’s the lead singer, JC Penny. How’s it going? I made this album cover. It came to me years ago when I started writing the songs for our new record (drops Sep 21, 2013) and trying to put myself in the shoes of a mother of a fallen soldier. I think it’s likely that […]
Dirty Penny has had a terrible ride making this record. 3 producers in 4 years, many depressions, some fights that were not about the record but clearly about the record, over-budget, despondency, murder (of insects), the bassist is pissed off because he’s been in the band for 4 years and he’s still not on an […]
Hi it’s JC Penny, the singer. I showed up a couple of hours before the show and the first thing I noticed inside the door of Local 269 is ammonia. I think people barf there a lot. However the sound was terrific. I felt at home as soon as I started screaming. We had a […]
Once again, none of us are fucking or paying anyone at this excellent hub of pop culture journalism (and hot women). They like us because they’re smart. The end. TOROMagazine best vids of 2009 page … and that website and magazine is dead now. There are people still alive from that magazine like Jessie Skinner. […]

I was in a vaccuum powered astronaut suit. There was 50 people. A man with a mustache wanted to suck my cock after. Louie loved it. I’m JC Penny and I’m JC Penny. That’s what I said to myself days after. The band was dressed as animals, accomplished mostly by just different types of head […]
That’s pretty great. We are beside videos of Amy Milan, Oh Bijou, Matisyahu, etc.. I asked my guitarist Lovely Louie who the rest are and he said “holy shit these guys are all big indie bands”. I doubt any of them are actually independent as we are but whatever. He meant the indie “sound”. So Mel […]
JC Penny here again. It’s always me actually. If you sing it means you got something to say. Guitarist Lovely Louie loved this show. He proclaims it top 3. Grimlock liked but I think we were too loose for his taste. Candy declares it his all time fave. Yoko came up to me after and […]
Hey. Sorry haven’t written in a while. Have been writing songs. Planning a new website for the band. It’s summer and we usually take a break from each other. I don’t even want to be writing right now but I found something crazy in this blog system. I can’t sleep these days and so I […]
I liked it. Louie not as much. Candy liked it. I forget to take Yoko and Grimlock’s temperatures on it. The OAM (Original Act for Mankind) theme for this gig was a corporate training session entitled.. Better Living Thru Rock We all wore acrylic, ugly sweaters. We figured we’re too ugly to try and look […]
Sorry haven’t posted in a longtime. Yes, you. The person that once promised me he’s added our blog to his RSS feed. This one’s for you, darling… It’s been a long time since I’ve written. I should have because I promised the guitarist who is the Paul Mcartney of the band I would. I’m the […]
We did a song for Toromagazine’s weekly broadcast “Garageband”. Our performance included some questionable things. We showed a painting of the Pope with a pair of balls hanging from it. The song itself ends with the line “I hate the Pope why not he’s old and his buddies with soft hands and cocks that coil […]
Two Days with Spookey Ruben
Spookey (yellow top, skipper hat) confers with DOP (Dave?), and JC Penny (me) at back near phone booth and bubble machine Spookey Ruben is a great artist. He can write music and sing almost as good as I can. However, he does one thing that I suck and fail at time and time again: he […] is a great new canadian online music store. All of their albums are 8.88$ and come with a printable hi-res pdf of the cover. Get our new album “Sage Against the Machine” here And they have good taste. They’ve chosen our closing track “Maximum Sherpa” to feature on their free compilation album. Other […]
We played with Run With the Kittens and Jay Spectre last night at the Horseshoe. I threw up this morning but remembered to rip the elf ears off my head before going to bed. My original act for mankind last night was to be an elf with a cold. I already had a cold so […]
So I’ve been talking about Run With the Kittens since I saw them by accident six months ago at the Cameron House. I just did a gig myself at The Horseshoe and my dick was swinging, breaking car windows on Queen St. I went into the Cameron for more dick swinging juice and there they […]
Stilepost laughs at us
An enthusiastic review from the nice people at Tandem A not so nice review by The Ontarian (second one down)
I’m not gonna say much here except a verse from ‘Maximum Sherpa’, the last track on our now CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED record. I thought that maybe wings would But no, fly freak, fly! You are too ugly to live And too expensive to die Because that’s how the band felt about this record when we finished […]
My crocs made it to NOW Magazine
We played Clinton’s tavern on Nov 6. I just found out that there was a music critic from NOW Magazine in the audience and he wrote a review. He hated us. The thing is he was there to see Flowers of Hell whom he thought was okay but didn’t do nearly as much thinking about […]
Clinton’s Tavern, nov 6
Last night we played Clinton’s… again. I was pretty great. The rest of the band was okay. I wore checkered Moschino pants. The same one’s Jim Carrey wore on the cover of Vanity Fair forty thousand years ago. I said this to five thousand people last night and nobody remembers it. If you know me […]
Goodbye, Alex Magnusson.
Hello all you dirty people. I am JC Penny, front man for Dirty Penny. I hate this but I’m gonna be writing these from now on. If you’ve been following our news thru this blog at or via the feeds on our myspace, etc., you know about Alex. Alex was our band biographer and […]
It’s 11:11pm. I’ve got Dirty Penny’s latest work “Sage Against the Machine” playing as usual. I think it’s a work of genius or maybe higher. Humans cannot intentionally design a work this exquisite without the help of a higher power. It could be divinely inspired. I have listened to it just under three thousand times. […]
Clinton’s Tavern – fri sept 5
The night threatened to pour but did not. Approximately 40 souls attended Dirty Penny’s performance last night at Clinton’s Tavern. Some were fans, others had come for the other bands sharing the stage with DP. It was a shame. It was a rare line-up of talent. Most of these shared band nights are mostly borefests […]
Waiting outside Glenn’s factory rehearsal space, the sounds of derivative grind core bands fall out the second floor windows like sunlight, just as bland. First to arrive is drummer Scott “Candy” Fletcher. He doesn’t see me as I hold open the doors for him and his gear. He is concentrating. He resembles that hard prayer […]
Sitting at a wooden table in a plumber’s bar covered in fake wood and the relaxing faint smell of a thousand mopped pukes all point to the jukebox. The waitress drops off our beers. Nidhan’s beer is an ale. His face is rough, gang related, but his eyes dart around in child like wonder. Standing […]
Statement#6 from JC Penny
JC Penny sent me the following message yesterday. I received it at 10:46pm. BEGIN Alex, you’ll want this somehow for your book. It’s something I keep yelling inside my head regarding Dirty Penny and my role as front word man: it is that in the ladder of overall quality of musical entertainment for the experience […]
So it’s true. Bassist Sugar Bear has quit Dirty Penny. Yours truly discovered this while at JC Penny’s home sitting across the table yesterday evening while he and his daughter ate fettucini. I was hungry as well and luckily there was a walnut bowl near the flower piece on the table. He and is daughter […]
WHERE’S SUGAR BEAR? DP bassist Jay “Sugar Bear” Larson was not present last night. I am a little pissed. I endure countless ignominies following this band around, documenting. In exchange I was promised complete disclosure, except for bedrooms. I would write the book and then make enough money to go back to grad school. I’ve […]
Dirty Penny has released an album for 2008. It is the greatest oeuvre of popular culture since U2. I have played this album over 900 times since receiving it in my hand one month ago. It gets better and better really slowly. It is a weird drug that goes from obnoxious to relaxed in no […]
I get asked a lot why I spend so much time covering the evolution of Dirty Penny. “Don’t you have better things to do?” friends and my mother say to me. The truth is I spend a lot of time. I basically am allowed to be around them anytime I want except their bedrooms. I […]
This rock reporter is waiting outside Glenn’s rehearsal studio, located in an old sock factory turned run down loft/studio spaces for almost exlusively young filthy white musician men. Young women sometimes enter but are ephemeral. The toilets are revolting and shared. The twinkle they get from their rock and roll boyfriend singing a G’nR love […]
The Drake – May 12
DP started off the evening with lead vox JC Penny promising “we’re gonna play some ACDC for ya!” to a cheering desperate-for-something-unpretentiously-entertaining Drake crowd. It was a lie. ‘Cigarettes, Whisky, and Wild Wild Women’ (TaDa! 2007) began with lead guitar Lovely Louis’ fingers beginning to blur and they were off. The band just gets better […]
Preparing for the Drake #3
Tomorrow evening DP does the Drake’s downstairs at 9:30pm. 1150 Queen W. Good luck. Saturday noon saw DP rehearsing at Glenn’s again. Glenn wasn’t iimpressed with the early booking and commented passive aggressively “I feel pretty good considering I went to bed at 6am.” It was clear that Glenn accepted the booking to make up […]
Preparing for the Drake #2
Dirty Penny roared thru their rehearsal this last tuesday at Glenn’s space in preparation for their monday gig. Glenn wasn’t there but left a woman, Basia, to open the door for the band. Asked if they were considering other rehearsal spaces because of the Melissa Manchester incident the previous week, DP lead singer JC Penny […]
Preparing for The Drake #1
Dirty Penny got stiffed by their regular rehearsal space this last tuesday. Rich “Yoko” was first to arrive and saw none other than Melissa Manchester in the space with musicians. Glenn, the rehearsal space owner, was quoted as saying “Sorry, man, I had to take this one..” to Yoko at the door before letting it […]