Dirty Penny got stiffed by their regular rehearsal space this last tuesday. Rich “Yoko” was first to arrive and saw none other than Melissa Manchester in the space with musicians. Glenn, the rehearsal space owner, was quoted as saying “Sorry, man, I had to take this one..” to Yoko at the door before letting it close slowly on his face.
Yoko, Jason “JC Penny”, and Scott “Candy” stood outside in the Toronto night saying “I was looking forward to playing tonight” and “when’s the gig?”
Jay “Sugar Bear”, who had forgotten to show up for rehearsal, was pleased and a little worried about his atheism in light of current events.
It’s unknown as to whether DP will continue to use Glenn’s rehearsal space.
Raja’s “Lovely Louis” Mexican appendix operation of 2 months ago is a success. Louis said on the phone earlier today “It’s fine, it’s happy” in reference to the operation.
The Drake Hotel Show on Monday May 12 will be featuring “La Poutine” as one of the songs that will be played with extra effects in the begining prayer part, says JC Penny. “Yoko bought a box,” he added.
DP hasn’t released any further details about their upcoming Drake performance.
2 sentences in this release are false.