Dirty Penny roared thru their rehearsal this last tuesday at Glenn’s space in preparation for their monday gig. Glenn wasn’t there but left a woman, Basia, to open the door for the band. Asked if they were considering other rehearsal spaces because of the Melissa Manchester incident the previous week, DP lead singer JC Penny said “we wouldn’t be here if we were and Glenn doesn’t have to be our friend.”
Lead guitar Lovely Louis arrived 50 minutes late. JC Penny was the first to greet Louis with a “Bonjour!” to which Louis replied “Don’t fucking bonjour me!” nearly knocking down the lead singer in the hallway.
Drummer Candy issued a statement after a run through of ‘Cigarettes, Whiskey, and Wild Wild Women’ (TaDa! 2007): “That’s my new favorite song from TaDa!. It has replaced ‘Bomb Ardier’ as my new favorite.”
Located a few streets west of Ossington, The Drake Hotel is perhaps the most pretentious spots in the City. Filled with desperate scene people not able to admit they just want to find someone stable and start a family before their looks catch up with their inner beauty, the basement is the place to be. DP looks forward to playing the basement again because the sound is awesome.
Rehearsal ended with Basia, having not heard DP before, praising the band’s sound, associating them with “Celtic” roots and a band called ‘Mute Math’ which only Candy knew. She was completely insincere.