JC Penny here again. It’s always me actually. If you sing it means you got something to say.
Guitarist Lovely Louie loved this show. He proclaims it top 3. Grimlock liked but I think we were too loose for his taste. Candy declares it his all time fave. Yoko came up to me after and hugged me tenderly and said “you’re a strange, strange man mister Cavener”. He’s right. I’m barely human. I liked it. I loved it. I couldn’t concentrate the next day at my cubicle. I am supposed to be learning Visual Studio 2008 and all I could do is daydream. Hungover and daydreaming of my 40 minutes of flight on stage. Saves me thousands of dollars in therapy. I actually felt like an astronaut.
The title of this OAM was “It’s a better world, finally”. I try to always put together some theatre for a show and never the same one twice. An Original Act for Mankind, or OAM. This one saw animals inflating and deflating a singing astronaut at their leisure via vaccuum powered switch. Now does the title make sense?
Run With the Kittens played after us. They are gods. I don’t know them personally. They are not paying me to say this. Ha! I have all their albums. I feel shitty about something, though: I promised them we’d bring 20 people minimum. I really thought I could pull this off for once. My main promotional vehicle is Facebook. I never pressure my 100+ friends to come to any show. I just send one invite a week before and one reminder the day before. Nothing elaborate. Just “hey if you’re not doing anything…” But this time I had a whole campaign. I sent 4 or 5 messages to all invitees. I held a mini-contest. I didn’t directly ask people to come out. I just tried to honestly build a buzz through sweat and dedication to the cause. In the end I got 23 confirmed attendees and about as many “Maybes”. How many actually showed up? 4. Altogether the band brought in 15. I feel crappy that I didn’t come through. The Kittens brought 40.
We put on a true art rock performance. There were many really pumped people after the show talking to me all excited and nervous. And there were some that hated us. You could tell they thought we were too ridiculous and disjointed to be allowed on stage. I think the first band, Scott Mission, were in this camp. Scott himself stood over me while I setup my costume before the show. He asked “Stage antics?”. I replied “Ya.” After the show he said to me “I liked the stage antics.” Hee hee.
There are people who are friends and fans, and there are people who are fans. Only one kind comes out to your shows. We only have the other kind… I just thought I could cash in on the low pressure to attend I’ve been maintaining just for once. Oh well.
Nate, lead singer for RWTK said I sound like Frank Black. Thank you.
If anybody has any pictures of this show please send them to dirty at thatsmydirtypenny dawt calm.