by JC Penny Other

2 Videos released, 1 Interview, 1 EPK, some hate mail, and new album in works for 2010

Sorry haven’t posted in a longtime.  Yes, you.  The person that once promised me he’s added our blog to his RSS feed.  This one’s for you, darling… It’s been a long time since I’ve written.  I should have because I promised the guitarist who is the Paul Mcartney of the band I would.  I’m the […]


“Declined” unplugged – the Pope and Toromagazine has balls

We did a song for Toromagazine’s weekly broadcast “Garageband”.  Our performance included some questionable things.  We showed a painting of the Pope with a pair of balls hanging from it.  The song itself ends with the line “I hate the Pope why not he’s old and his buddies with soft hands and cocks that coil […]